Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Why Regular Medication with Antibiotics OTC Does Not Work for Angular Cheilitis?
Angular Cheilitis is mainly a skin disease provoked by the excessive moisture present in the crests, folds or wrinkles around the lips, especially from the corners of the mouth. This moisture digs into the skin causing cracks and lesions which later on become infected and form pus. From here on is just a vicious circle, in which the infection expands causing skin to crack even more, while these cracks provide more space for the infection to grow and develop faster.

When having to deal with such a condition most people rush into the dermatologist's offices waiting for a treatment that will simply clear the entire area and leave the skin clean in just a matter of days. What they receive instead is a lotion or a cream based on antibiotic substances. This treatment should kill the bacteria and thus, leave the skin clean so as to start recovering from the damage. It is a slow process which in most cases, even if it does function bring too little relief for the desperate people. 
This is mainly because the bacteria are quite smart organisms, smarter than you may have thought. Thus, when an antibiotic is used in order to destroy them, some of them die while other become much stronger and can no longer be defeated by the same antibiotic or by a substance similar to it. This is why, even though you find a powerful antibiotic which will provide relief the first time when Angular Cheilitis appears, the same treatment will be useless when the disease makes its appearance its second time. As you well know, in most cases this condition does appear a second time, so basically with antibiotics you can only have half of the problem solved or in other worlds postpone the search for an effective treatment a little longer.  Thus, if your dermatologist has prescribed you any antibiotics you can take them and hope for the best. If it is your first time taking them, they may actually work, but if you are at a second attempt, it is advisable to look for something more powerful or try some of the alternative or complementary treatments. You will be amazed to see how many effective treatments you can find outside the dermatologist's office!

How To Cure Angular Cheilitis Naturally at Home

There are various methods of treating angular cheilitis. Some of the natural home remedies are:

1. Honey
Honey works great in fighting with the infection-causing microorganisms. Apply honey on the angular cheilitis and let it rest for 15 minutes. This can also be used alongside cucumber.

2. Aloe Vera Gel
For treating and alleviating the pain of angular cheilitis, rubbing aloe vera on the cracked corners of the mouth also proves to be helpful. Refrigerate a leaf of aloe vera prior to applying it on the affected area. Rub it for a few minutes and let it dry for at least 15-20 minutes before washing it. This is a natural treatment for angular cheilitis.

3. Lip Balms and Moisturizers
Unscented and unflavored lip balms, like petroleum jelly or virgin coconut oil heal the infection and are an excellent natural treatment for angular cheilitis. Ensure that there are no chemical substances present in the balm or moisturizer. Do this as many times as possible in the daytime and right before sleeping.

4. Water
“Hydrate yourself” is the best mantra for treating yourself with angular cheilitis. Drink enough water, so that you do not get chapped and dry lips, which eventually develop cracks. Keep the body hydrated by consuming 10-12 glasses of water daily to cure cracked lips.

5. Cocoa Butter
To get rid of dry lips and eventually avoiding the problem of chapped lips, cocoa butter is a very good moisturizer. Apply a small amount of natural cocoa butter, twice or thrice a day on the affected area, for treating angular cheilitis.

6. Homemade Mixture
2 tablespoons of tea tree oil, 1 tablespoon of Vitamin E oil, and ½ tablespoon of petroleum jelly should be mixed and applied over the cracked area as many times possible in a day.  This remedy will heal the slits around the corners of the lip.

7. Lemon
Angular cheilitis can be treated at home by applying lemon.

8. Cucumber
Put a slice of cucumber on the affected area. You can also rub it gently. It will alleviate the soreness, caused due to angular cheilitis.

9. Neem Leaves
Extract the juice of fresh neem leaves by crushing them. Apply it on the affected area to destroy the infection-causing micro-organisms.
10. Over-the-counter Ointments
You can also apply natural ointments, available in the market, to get rid of angular cheilitis. Terrasil Skin Repair is one such product that provides noticeable improvements within one day. It relieves inflammation, redness and irritation associated with angular cheilitis.

Measures to Prevent Angular Cheilitis

  • Avoid licking your lips.
  • Boost up your immune system.
  • Take supplements of Vitamin B, folate and iron in order to overcome their deficiencies in your body.
  • Visit your dentist to get your dentures readjusted.
  • Drink plenty of water.